Wargaming Esoterica

After Action Reports & Reviews of Simulation War Games ほぼ引退した蔵書系ウォーゲーマーの日記

【The Second World War】「TSWW : Day of Infamy」Climb Mt.Niitaka English AAR

先日「Day of Infamy」「Climb Mt.Niitaka」をプレイしたことを、TSWWのYahoo ! グループに投稿したところ、参加者の大半が欧米の方だったので『これを英語で読みたい』と言われ、Google 翻訳を頼りに、試しに作ってみました。無料ですので、どうぞ。

When I posted that I played "Day of Infamy" "Climb Mt. Niitaka" to the Yahoo! group of TSWW, because of most of the that participants were English speakers, and they would like to read this in English. So, I tried to make a english AAR by relying on Google Translate. this AAR is free. enjoy !